You can check the list if you are greatly considering one on your next have to make sure that you can splurge on this kind of luxury. One designer handbag can cost a lot even the ones that are tagged as discount handbags or cheap hermes kelly.
Getting good authentic handbag, designer totes and designer purses on your collection can also be an investment, especially if you have some rare types in your care. This can only be true if you will take good care of the bags from the start and make sure that you place these in proper storage rooms. For now, you can proceed in looking at the list of the must haves for the bag lovers, especially people like you who are fond of authentic Hermes Lindy.
1. Chanel 2.55. This little masterpiece is a must have for many bag enthusiasts. This was first created in 1955 by Coco Channel and an updated version was released by Karl Lagerfeld in 2006.
2. Hermes Birkin. The brand itself is now synonymous to ultimate luxury. This probably caught many people's attention after it was featured on the hit TV show, Sex and the City. The brand was named after Jane Birkin, an actress who became controversial because of her relationship with influential French singer, Serge Gainsbourg.
3. Marc Jacobs Stam. The bag may have similar quilting as the classic Chanel Hermes Handbags, but this type has a more relaxed appearance and a kiss-lock closure. The bag was named after Jessica Stam, a Canadian supermodel who happens to be a close friend of the designer.
Getting good authentic handbag, designer totes and designer purses on your collection can also be an investment, especially if you have some rare types in your care. This can only be true if you will take good care of the bags from the start and make sure that you place these in proper storage rooms. For now, you can proceed in looking at the list of the must haves for the bag lovers, especially people like you who are fond of authentic Hermes Lindy.
1. Chanel 2.55. This little masterpiece is a must have for many bag enthusiasts. This was first created in 1955 by Coco Channel and an updated version was released by Karl Lagerfeld in 2006.
2. Hermes Birkin. The brand itself is now synonymous to ultimate luxury. This probably caught many people's attention after it was featured on the hit TV show, Sex and the City. The brand was named after Jane Birkin, an actress who became controversial because of her relationship with influential French singer, Serge Gainsbourg.
3. Marc Jacobs Stam. The bag may have similar quilting as the classic Chanel Hermes Handbags, but this type has a more relaxed appearance and a kiss-lock closure. The bag was named after Jessica Stam, a Canadian supermodel who happens to be a close friend of the designer.
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