Family members and friends of the victims sobbed softly during the hearing in replica bag college town 50 miles southwest of Richmond. They left without speaking to reporters, but issued a written statement: "We have endured a tragedy of unspeakable proportions. We are relieved replica bag justice has been done. "While we will never forget our loved ones or the circumstances of their deaths replica bag, we hope to move forward and begin the healing process." Prosecutor James R. Ennis said replica bag the women were bludgeoned with a wood-splitting tool — a maul — while they slept on Sept. 15, 2009. Mark Niederbrock was killed with the tool when he came to check on replica bag a day and a half later. Asked why McCroskey remained in the house replica bag, Bowen said, "I think he was contemplating suicide. He was contemplating what he had done replica bag, and not knowing what to do about it." Ennis declined to speculate on a motive. "He's a closed individual," he said. But Bowen said McCroskey had become increasingly angry with Emma and believed she "wasn't being loyal to him." McCroskey and Emma Niederbrock shared an interest in the "horrorcore" genre replica bag, which sets violent lyrics over hip-hop beats. McCroskey, a website designer and music promoter replica bag, had been rapping under the name "Syko Sam." He flew to Virginia to visit Emma, and her parents drove replica bag and Wells to a horrorcore music festival in Michigan Sept. 12. Police found their bodies six days later after Wells' parents became worried replica bag she didn't return home. Bowen said McCroskey had confided to friends he had killed the four. Asked if McCroskey's musical interests had fueled his rage replica bag, Bowen said, "Much of replica bag music is so rampant with replica bag exact kind of behavior replica bag, you can't help but notice the coincidence. But I don't have a sense the music led to replica bag kind of behavior." Ennis said McCroskey had no criminal record. He said he had discussed the plea agreement with the victims' families, and their sentiments played a Hermes Birkinrole in structuring the plea. "Anything can go wrong in a jury trial replica bag," he said. "Hopefully replica bag can bring some measure of closure to the families." On McCroskey's MySpace page, people have posted messages of support in recent weeks. "free syko sam we need more tracks!!" reads a post under the name J.R.B. from last month.
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